Our Story

“A Vision Comes To Reality”

On February 2020, Rachel woke up early in the morning to go to her college when she heard that her school is closed. She learned that there is a virus causing trouble in some parts of the world, is now knocking doors of her own city. As a precautionary measure the city mayor has implemented a complete lockdown.

Rachel was very excited, now she could do whatever she wants, no college, no homework, no assignments. Soon days passed followed by months which started to get to her. Playing games, watching movies, sleeping all day hardly brought her any excitement. Rachel was getting worried about her studies, and more importantly her career. She wanted to learn but was helpless.

In another part of the world, a group of educationist often talked about the future of education. Upon hearing of the pandemic virus, the group of professional educationists started working a project that would provide quality education to every student at their home. They build a platform that converted conventional schooling to digitally integrated education and testing system. Thus “School of Tomorrow” came into being, to serve the purpose of helping individuals like Rachel to learn and develop her skills.

It was a lifelong dream to develop a system in lieu of modern age. Now School of Tomorrow would virtually connect students with teachers at all times. Enthusiastic, qualified and creative individuals are working for one purpose, and that is to deliver unique solutions under the umbrella of SOT to aid learning for every individual.

SOT’s system, teacher and testing mechanism provides state of the art learning tools to students at the pleasure of their comfortable locations ensuring exceptional experience of digital classroom. This would help build core concepts, ensuring that they are well prepared for their respective examinations.

Our goal is to continuously evolve, learn and make lives of students better by providing them educational facilities. However, we shall not stop here, we look forward to craft a mechanism where needs of special learner are met. We are working to create a system worthy for these students so that they can out shine their abilities in the modern world.

Let it be Pandemic crises, lock down, inability to travel or any difficulty, learning would not stop, education will now continue, societies shall prosper, SOT for everyone!